Wednesday, February 28, 2018



JOHN 7 & 8

John 7 & 8 – Jesus was avoiding Judea because the Jewish leaders were out to kill Him. His half-brothers urged Him to go to the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem, perform miracles there, and make a name for Himself. His own brothers still did not trust in Him. He told them, “My time has not yet come.” However, Jesus traveled to the Festival secretly. Halfway through it, He began teaching in the Temple courts. The Judeans wondered how Jesus was so knowledgeable without having studied in one of their schools. He told them His teaching was not His own. It came from the One who sent Him. He further stated that those who did God’s will would know His teaching was from God. He asked them why they wanted to kill him and pointed out they broke Sabbath to do circumcisions but were angry when He healed people on the Sabbath. People wondered if the fact that Jesus was teaching in public meant the Pharisees were now believers. But others insisted that no one would know where the Messiah came from, but they knew Jesus was from Nazareth. Jesus told them that the One who sent Him was real, but they didn’t know Him. No one who tried to arrest Jesus could lay a hand on Him because His time had not yet come. Jesus told them that in a little while He would go back to the One who sent Him, and they would look but not be able to find Him. On the last day of the festival, Jesus promised that for those who trusted in Him rivers of living water would flow from their innermost being. Jesus SHOWED COMPASSION by promising the Holy Spirit to all who believed. When the head priests asked why their soldiers had not arrested Jesus, they spoke of how He taught. There religious leaders said that only country bumpkins believed in Jesus. Nicodemus spoke on His behalf saying they could not condemn a man without hearing Him and investigating. They replied that no prophet comes from Galilee. Jesus went to the Mount of Olives alone to pray. At Daybreak he was teaching in the Temple courts again. Scribes and Pharisees stood a woman caught in the act of adultery in the center of the crowd. Where was the man? The Bible does not comment on this inequality. They said to Jesus, “The Torah says to stone her to death.” Jesus didn’t say anything. He just bent down and wrote in the dust. He stood up and said, “The one of you who is without sin should throw the first stone.” Then He wrote in the dust a second time. The accusers left one by one, the oldest ones first. When Jesus was left alone with the woman, He asked, “Does no one condemn you?” She replied, “No, sir.” He told her, “Go and sin no more.” Jesus SHOWED COMPASSION to a woman caught in the very act of adultery. Jesus proclaimed that He was the light of the World who gives life. When the Pharisees said that his testimony about himself was not valid, Jesus replied, “I testify on my own behalf, and so does the Father who sent me.” Jesus said if they knew Him, they would know the Father. They knew this was a claim to equality with God, but no one arrested Him because His time had not yet come. Jesus said to these religious leaders, “If you do not trust that I AM who I say I am, you will die in your sins. Many people who heard Jesus in the Temple courts trusted in Him. He told them, “If you obey what I say, then you are really my disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” In John 14:6, Jesus said, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Some protested that they were the seed of Abraham and had never been slaves. Jesus said, “Everyone who practices sin is a slave of sin.” He told them that by trying to kill him, they were doing what their father had told them. If they were Abraham’s children, they should do what Abraham did. They claimed God was their only father. Jesus said that if God were their father, they would love Him and that they belonged to their father Satan, a murdered and liar. He said they did not listen to God because they did not belong to Him. They said Jesus had a demon. Jesus said those who obeyed His teaching would never taste death. He finished by saying, Before Abraham came into being, I AM which was a clear claim to deity. They tried to stone Him, but he was hidden from them and left. If we follow Jesus’s teaching, we will SHOW COMPASSION in His name to those afflicted and even those who are caught in sin.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

GEMS FROM THE GOSPELS John 5 & 6 #52days


John 5 & 6

John 5 & 6 – A man laid by the pool of Bethesda who had been crippled for thirty-eight years. He was hoping to get into the pool when the water stirred because it was believed the first one in would be healed. Instead he was healed by TRUSTING IN THE TEACHER. Then he got rebuked for carrying his mat on the Sabbath!  He told the religious leaders that the man who healed him told him to carry his mat. Jesus said that He was working as His father was working, clearly claiming equality with God. Jesus pointed out that John the Baptist, Scriptures, and the miracles He performed all testified to His deity. He also told the religious leaders that if they believed Moses, they would believe Him because Moses wrote about Him (Gen. 49:10, Num. 24:17, Deut. 18:15-18). The Jewish religious leaders failed to TRUST THE TEACHER. Jesus fed 5000 men plus women and children with only five loaves and two fish. Afterward, He had the apostles pick up the leftovers. Traditional Jewish law says not to destroy food. The people said Jesus must be The Prophet (Deut. 18:15). He went back to the hills by Himself before they could crown Him king. The disciples went ahead in a boat while Jesus went to pray. A great storm arose, and they were afraid. Suddenly they saw Jesus walking to them on top of the water! Jesus got into the boat and instantly they were at their destination. What a joy ride! We can TRUST THE TEACHER to calm the storm. The crowd caught up with Him on the other side of the lake. Jesus told them they only came because of the food He provided, but they needed Him to feed their spirits rather than their stomachs. He told them the work of God is to TRUST THE TEACHER. The crowd demanded a sign in order to believe Him and talked about Moses providing manna in the wilderness. Jesus pointed out that God provided the manna, but the true bread is the One who comes down from Heaven to give life to the world. Then Jesus made one of the famous “I AM” statements, saying, “I AM the Bread which is life.” All who trust in Him will be raised. TRUST THE TEACHER to have eternal life. Jesus said He was the living bread, and whoever eats of that bread lives forever. As they were wondering how they could eat His flesh, he told them, “Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you do not have life. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me, and I in Him.” Many of His followers had a difficult time with this and turned back. He explained that no one could come to Him unless the Father has made possible for him. He turned to the Twelve and asked if they wanted to leave as well. Simon Peter spoke for the group, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the word of eternal life. We TRUSTED, and we know that you are the Holy One of God.” Then Jesus pointed out that even though he had hand picked the Twelve one of them was an adversary, meaning Judas Iscariot who would betray Him. TRUST THE TEACHER even when you do not fully understand.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Gems from the Gospels John 4 #52days

Gems from the Gospels
John 4

John 4 – Jesus left Judea headed back Galilee and needed to go through Samaria on God’s business—there was a longer route that most Jews took. But Jesus had a divine appointment with a certain woman who was drawing water at noon in the town of Sychar. She was probably avoiding a gaggle of gossips by going at the worst time of day. Jesus asked her for a drink but told her if she knew who he was, she would ask Him for living water. She scoffed, “You don’t even have a bucket to draw the water!” Jesus told her she would never thirst again, and she wanted that kind of water. When He told her to go get her husband, she answered truthfully that she did not have one. Jesus commended her honesty and told her she had five husbands in the past and was living with a man who was not her husband. When she tried to sidetrack Him with a question about where to worship, He explained that true worship is not a place but requires true spiritual involvement rather than mere acts and routines. She expressed belief that the Messiah would make everything clear. Jesus said, “I, the person you are speaking to, am He.” This was a clear claim to deity, equality with God. As the disciples returned from food shopping, the woman left her water jug and ran into town saying, “Come meet a man who told me everything I ever did.” Jesus told his disciples, “My food is to do what God wants.” Many people from the town trusted Jesus because of the woman’s testimony and asked Him to stay with them. After two days, they proclaimed, “We know this man is the Savior of the world.”  Jesus offered the woman and the townspeople A DRINK OF LIVING WATER. When He got back to Cana in Galilee, an officer in the royal service asked Jesus to heal his son who was near death. When the man arrived home, he found his son had been healed at the exact time Jesus had spoken the words. He and his household trusted. Jesus GAVE A DRINK when He healed the man’s son. GIVE A DRINK of living water to those in your path.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Gems from the Gospels Luke 18-John 3 - #52days

Gems from the Gospels
Luke 18-John 3

Luke 18 & 19 – Parable: Widow pestered a judge until shew worse him down, and he made sure she received justice. God will grant justice to His chosen people who cry out to Him day and night. HUMBLY PRAY WITH PERSISTENCE. Jesus painted a word picture for those who thought themselves righteous and looked down on others. A Pharisee and tax collector prayed in the Temple. The Pharisee thanked God he was better than others even listing the tax collector specifically. The tax collector bowed his head, beat his breast, and prayed for mercy acknowledging himself as a sinner. Jesus said the tax collector went away right with God. His lesson was “He who exalts himself will be humbles, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” HUMBLY PRAY, confessing your sin. Receive the Kingdom of God like a little child—humbly and wholeheartedly. A rich young ruler asked how to get eternal life. Jesus told him to keep the commandments to which he replied that he had done so since boyhood. Then Jesus shocked him by telling him to sell everything, give to the poor, and follow him. The man went away sad. Jesus said it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven. When His disciples asked who could be saved if this were true, Jesus replied, “What is impossible humanly is possible with God.” HUMBLY PRAY about how God would have you use the resources He has given you. Jesus assured the disciples that those who had left all to follow Him would receive many times as much in the present life as well as in eternal life. Jesus foretold His death and resurrection to the twelve, but the meaning was hidden from them. Near Jericho, a blind beggar cried out, “Son of David, have pity on me!” Calling Jesus Son of David was a recognition of Him as Messiah. Jesus restored the man’s sight and told him that his faith had healed him. He followed Jesus, glorifying God which caused others to praise God as well. HUMBLY PRAY for healing. Zacchaeus, a vertically challenged tax collector climbed a tree to get a glimpse of Jesus. Jesus surprised him by looking up into the tree and telling him to come down because He needed to stay at his house. Susan says, “I’m surprised he didn’t fall out of the tree!” People judged that Jesus was going to the house of a sinner. Zacchaeus promised Jesus he would give half of his assets to the poor and back anyone he cheated four times the amount. Jesus replied that salvation had come to him. The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost. HUMBLY PRAY in repentance. Jesus told a parable about a nobleman who traveled to a country to be crowned king. He gave ten servants 10 minas (three months wages) to do business with while he was gone. When he returned and asked for an accounting, one man had earned 10 more, doubling the money. The master put him in charge of 10 towns Another earned 5 more and was put in charge of 5 towns. Those who are faithful in small amounts will be given more. The third hid it for fear of the consequences if he lost it. His was given to the one who had ten. There had been countrymen who hated the nobleman. He had those enemies who did not want him to be king executed. HUMBLY PRAY to be a faithful steward of the gifts God has given you. Jesus sent two disciples ahead to bring back a colt that had never been ridden. When they told the owner, “The Lord needs it,” per His instructions, he surrendered it to them. The disciples threw their robes on the donkey and Jesus sat on it. The people carpeted the road with clothing and palm branches. As He entered Jerusalem, His followers sang and loudly praised God say, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord.” Pharisees told Him to rebuke His followers. Jesus replied, “If they keep quiet the stones will shout.” HUMBLY PRAY, giving all glory to God. Jesus wept over Jerusalem stating their enemies would destroy the city completely because they did not recognize the opportunity for true peace when God offered it. Jesus drove the vendors and money changers out of the Temple saying, “My house is to be a house of prayer, but you have made it into a den of robbers (Isaiah 56:7, Jeremiah 7:11). As He taught in the Temple daily, the religious leaders kept trying to find a way to put and end to Jesus, but the people were hanging on His words. HUMBLY PRAY the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to understand His words.

Luke 20 & 21 – The religious authorities asked Jesus what authority or ordination He had to teach and who gave it to Him. He countered by asking them whether John’s baptism was from God or men. If they said God, He could ask why they were not baptized. If they said from men, it would upset the many people who followed John. They said they did not know, so Jesus said He wouldn’t answer their question either. Next, Jesus told the parable of the tenants who refused to pay the owner of the vineyard His share. He sent servants to collect, and they beat or killed them. He sent his son thinking they would respect him, but they killed him as well. Jesus concluded that the owner would put an end to those tenants and give the vineyard to others. The leaders would recognize the tenants as themselves, the servants as the prophets, and Jesus as the Son. Jesus quoted Psalm 118:22, “The very rock which the builders rejects has become the cornerstone.” He spoke of people tripping on the stone and being broken—seeing their sin and repenting. Others would be crushed when the stone fell on them—those who did not repent. The chief priests and scribes knew all this was aimed at them, but did not arrest Him because they feared the crowd that followed Him. Their ATTENTION was on their worldly power rather than on the Kingdom of God. They kept looking for a chance to accuse Jesus and hand Him over to the governor. They asked Him whether Jews should pay taxes to Rome. He asked whose picture was on the coin used to pay them and was told it was Caesar. He answered, “Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar and God what belongs to God.” Some Sadducees who did not believe in resurrection asked Jesus a hypothetical question about a woman who had levirate marriages (Deut. 25:5) to seven brothers as each died but remained childless. They asked whose wife she would be in Heaven. Jesus replied that those resurrected from the dead do not marry. Jesus taught more about resurrection quoting Exodus 3:6 that God is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Since God is the God of the living, they must have life after death. The Scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees focused their ATTENTION on trying to discredit Jesus rather than truly absorbing His message of grace and on worldly position and riches rather than storing up treasure in Heaven. Jesus watched people putting money in the Temple offering boxes He stated that a poor widow who only put in two small coins gave more than all those who put in a greater amount out of their riches because she gave all she had to live on. WHERE IS YOUR ATTENTION concerning money? Luke 21:5-19 is comparable to Matthew chapter 24. Jesus answers questions about the signs of the future destruction of Jerusalem and about His return in Glory. He tells them not to be fooled by false messiahs. He warns His disciples of persecution to come, but assures them the Holy Spirit will give them the right words when they are brought before rulers and kings. He promised that not a hair of their heads would be lost because He knew that those who trust in Him cannot be eternally extinguished. When Jesus returns, He will come in a cloud with tremendous power and glory. He said, when you see this, hold your head high—you are about to be liberated. He cautioned us to keep watch or our hearts will be dulled by carousing, drunkenness, and worries. The day of His return will happen suddenly, unexpectedly. Therefore, Jesus said, “Stay alert, always praying that you will have the strength to escape all the things that will happen and to stand in the presence of the Son of Man.” WHERE IS YOUR ATTENTION? Are you staying alert to the word of God or are distracted by the cares of this world?

Luke 22 – Judas went to the priests and Scribes and agreed to betray Jesus for money. Jesus gave explicit instructions to Peter and John on where to prepare the Passover Seder for Him and the Twelve. As Jesus share the third cup of the meal—the Cup of Redemption—He prayed a blessing and explained that it represented His blood poured out to redeem us. He broke the matzah (unleavened bread) and said it was His body broken for us. He encouraged them to continue this tradition in remembrance of Him. He told them His betrayer was at the table with them, and each of them wondered if he were the one. The Twelve argued over who was the greatest. Jesus told them not to lord authority over others but rather to be like Him, a servant leader. BE THE LEAST by serving others. When Jesus told them that they would all abandon Him, Peter stated he would follow Him to prison and even death. Then Jesus foretold that Peter would deny Him three times before the roster crowed twice. Jesus and the apostles went to the Mount of Olives to pray. He prayed intensely three times that the Father might spare Him from “drinking this cup” but concluded, “Not my will, but Yours be done.” Jesus chose to BE THE LEAST by submitting to the Father’s will. The three men He had urged to watch and pray— Peter, James, and John—had fallen asleep. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss, and Peter cut off the ear of the High Priest’s servant. Jesus put it back on perfectly. Jesus told His disciples to let Him do this. In essence saying, “Out of the way. Let me fulfill my purpose.” Peter followed at distance as Jesus was led to house of the High Priest. He joined soldiers around the fire. Three times Peter claimed he didn’t even know Jesus even calling down a curse on himself. Immediately, the rooster crowed. Jesus turned and looked straight at Peter. Peter remembered what Jesus had said and went out cried bitterly. The men holding Jesus insulted and beat Him. At daybreak, they led Jesus to the Sanhedrin, the Jewish supreme court. They point blank asked Him if He was the Messiah. He responded, “If I tell you, you won’t believe me . . . from now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Most-High” (Psalm 110:1). To the question, “Are you the Son of God?” Jesus replied, “You say I am.” Then they found Him guilty of blasphemy because He had claimed to be God. Jesus set aside not only His glory but His power to save Himself in obedience to the Father’s will and plan. He submitted because He was serving those of us who would trust Him. BE THE LEAST – SERVE OTHERS.

Luke 23 – The Sanhedrin took Jesus to the Roman governor, Pilate. Their accusations against Him were subverting the nation of Israel, forbidding paying of taxes to Rome, and claiming to be the Messiah (a King) which would be treason against Caesar. Pilate questioned Jesus and found no basis for the charges, but when he heard that Jesus was from Galilee, he sent Him to King Herod. Herod was excited and hoped to see Jesus do a miracle. Jesus did not reply to any of Herod’s questions. Herod and his soldiers contemptuously made fun of Jesus and sent Him back to Pilate in an elegant robe. Pilate told the Jewish leaders he would have Jesus flogged and release him. They insisted he release Barabbas, an insurrectionist and murderer, instead. Pilate tried three times to change their minds, but they had incited the crowd to near riot stage. Pilate finally released Barabbas and sent Jesus to be crucified. Simon of Cyrene was made to carry the cross for Jesus. Women followed behind them weeping and wailing. Jesus told them not to cry for Him but for themselves and their children. There were two robbers crucified, one on His left and one on His right. Jesus prayed, “Father forgive them, they don’t understand what they are doing.” The soldiers gambled for His clothes as prophesied in Psalm 22:19. People, including one of the thieves, sneered at and ridiculed him. The other thief asked Jesus to remember him when He came as King. Jesus promised the man he would be with Him in Paradise that day. PARADISE IS COMING for those who believe and trust in Jesus. There was darkness from noon until 3:00 p.m. The veil in the Temple split down the middle—significant because that veil separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the Temple. This is referenced in Hebrews 10:20, “By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh . . .” Man could now access God because of Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross. Jesus cried out, placing His spirit in the hands of the Father (Psalm 22:8). Joseph of Arimathea, a good righteous man, and a member of the Sanhedrin who was not in agreement with their motives or actions, asked Pilate for Jesus’s body. This was a bold move, but the word says he “looked forward to the Kingdom of God.” Perhaps Joseph already understood that PARADISE IS COMING. He wrapped the body in linen and placed it in a new tomb. Some of Jesus’s female followers noted where He was laid to rest and went home to prepare burial spices and ointments. As evening fell, they obeyed the commandment to rest on the Sabbath. Jesus was laid in a tomb, but PARADISE IS COMING!

Luke 24 -  The women went to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus early on Sunday morning. The stone had been rolled away and His body was gone. The women did not EXPECT HIM TO APPEAR. Two men in dazzling bright clothing appeared, and the women bowed face down in terror. The angels told them Jesus was risen and would wait for them in Galilee and that all this had happened as Jesus had told them it would. The women told the Eleven and others with them what the angels had told them. The apostles didn’t believe them and thought it was nonsense. The apostles didn’t believe they could EXPECT HIM TO APPEAR. Peter ran to the tomb to see for himself and went home wondering what happened. Even Peter didn’t EXPECT HIM TO APPEAR. The same day Jesus came up incognito and asked two disciples who were walking to Emmaus what they were discussing. Cleopas may have thought this man had just fallen off a turnip truck! They told Him all about Jesus being crucified, their hope that He would prove to be the Messiah, and that it was now the third day (the day He said He would be raised). Jesus took them on a verbal journey through the Old Testament prophecies concerning Himself, but they still did not recognize Him. They only half-heartedly EXPECTED HIM TO APPEAR. However, when He broke bread and bless it at their home, their eyes were opened to know Him. Immediately He disappeared, and they asked each other, “Didn’t our hearts burn inside us?” The walked back to Jerusalem to tell the Eleven and found that He had appeared to Simon Peter. While they were talking, Jesus suddenly showed up again. Even with all that had transpired, they were terrified and thought He was a ghost! They still did not EXPECT HIM TO APPEAR. Jesus invited them to touch His hands and feet, and He ate a piece of broiled fish in front of them to prove He was alive. Jesus opened up their minds to the fact that the Messiah had to suffer and rise from the dead on the third day as He had foretold. They finally believed HE HAD APPEARED. Jesus told His disciples that repentance leading to forgiveness of sins must be proclaimed to all nations starting in Jerusalem. They were witnesses of His life, death, and resurrection. And would be equipped with power from above to preach the Kingdom of God. Jesus blessed them and ascended back into Heaven. The disciples bowed in worship and returned praising God in the Temple courts. Focus on Jesus and EXPECT HIM TO APPEAR in your daily life through the power of His Holy Spirit.

John 1 – The Word incarnate (Jesus) was with God in the beginning, was God, and spoke the world into being. He is life and light to mankind. Darkness (evil) cannot suppress His light. The Messiah was pre-existent and equal with God, and was not a created being. Jesus is our Creator and SUSTAINER. John the Baptist was sent from God. He was not the Light but bore witness to the Light (Jesus). Jesus’s own people did not receive Him. John 1:12-13 (CJB) “But to as many as did receive Him, to those who put their trust in His person and power, He gave the right to become children of God, not because of bloodline, physical impulse or human intention, but because of God.” The Word became a man and the disciples saw His glory. John the Baptist explained that Jesus ranked above him because he existed before him. OUR SUSTAINER became human to show us God’s glory and grace. John the Baptist was careful to point out that he was not the Messiah, Elijah, nor the Prophet promised by Moses. Priests from Jerusalem asked, “Then who are you?” John quoted Isaiah 40:3, “The voice of someone crying out: In the desert make the way of the Lord straight.” He said that he immersed people in water, but One was among them who would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. The next day, John saw Jesus and said, “Look, God’s lamb to take away the sins of the world.” The lamb was the dominant sacrificial animal, especially for sin offerings. John explained that when Jesus was baptized, he saw the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove come down and rest on Jesus. He then made the clear statement, “This is the Son of God.” Jesus would soak people in the Holy Spirit. HE IS OUR SUSTAINER spiritually as well as physically. The next day, John told two of his disciples, “Look, God’s Lamb!” Those two tailed Jesus until He turned and talked to them. They asked where He was staying, and He invited them to come and see. They visited with him the rest of the day. One of them was Andrew the brother of Simon Peter and it is supposed that the other was the John, son of Zebedee. Andrew quickly found his brother, Simon, and told him, “We have found the Messiah.” He took Simon to meet Jesus who told him, “Simon Bar Jonah, you will be known as Peter (Rock).” The next day, Jesus called Philip to follow him. Philip found Nathanael (a.k.a. Bartholomew) and told him they had found the One, Jesus of Nazareth. Nathanael quipped, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” When Philip and Nathanael walked up to Jesus, He said, “Here’s a true son of Israel, nothing false in him.” Nathanael wondered how Jesus knew about him, and Jesus told him that He had seen him under the fig tree. Nathanael replied, “Rabbi, You are the Son of God, the King of Israel.” Jesus told Philip that he would see much greater things that that. Hebrews 1:3 “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.” THE SON OF MAN IS OUR SUSTAINER.

John 2 & 3 – Jesus, His mother, and His disciples attending a wedding at Cana. His mother told Him they had run out of wine. He asked her why that was His concern and told her His time had not come yet. Even so, Mary told the servant to do whatever Jesus told them. He had them fill six large water jars with water, draw some out, and take it to the man in charge of the banquet. That man went to groom amazed that he had saved the best wine for last when most people served the crummy stuff after everyone was tipsy. This was the first sign, first miracle, that Jesus performed. It caused His disciples to trust Him. After the wedding festivities, they all returned to Capernaum. It was almost time for Passover, and Jesus went to Jerusalem. He entered the Temple where the vendors were selling animals for sacrifice and the money exchange booths charged a fee to convert Roman coins to Temple currency. Jesus made a whip from cords and drove them all out saying, “How dare you turn my Father’s house into a market?” His disciples remembered the messianic prophecy of Psalm 9:10(a), “Zeal for your house will devour me.” The officials in the Temple asked Jesus to perform a sign to prove he had the right to clear the Temple in that way. He replied, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up again.” They were incredulous and replied that it took forty-six years to build the temple. There was no way He could raise it back up in three days. They did not understand that He spoke of His body. His disciples would remember this after His resurrection, and their faith would increase. One night, Jesus had a clandestine meeting with a Pharisee named Nicodemus who was a revered teacher and a member of the Sanhedrin. Nicodemus acknowledged that Jesus must be from God because of the miracles He performed. Jesus told him that in order to enter the Kingdom of God, one must be born again. Nicodemus took this literally and questioned how a grown man could reenter his mother’s womb to be born a second time. Jesus explained that a person must be born of water and the Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who draws people to believe and trust in Jesus. Nicodemus could not understand the process. Jesus told him that the religious elite of that day did not accept His evidence. Referring to Himself in messianic terminology, Jesus said, “Only the Son of Man has come down from Heaven.” He explained that as Moses lifted up the brass serpent and people were saved from venomous snakes (Numbers 21:6-9), He would be lifted up so that everyone who trusts in Him may have eternal life. He was referring to His eventual death on the cross. Most of us can quote John 3:16, but we particular liked it in the Complete Jewish Study Bible, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only and unique Son, so that everyone who trusts in Him may have eternal life, instead of being utterly destroyed.” Jesus offers salvation to all who trust in Him, and those who do not have brought about their own judgment. Jesus ended His discussion with Nicodemus by saying that people love darkness instead of the Light because light exposes their evil actions. But those who are true want their actions exposed by the light because they are accomplished through God. Jesus and His disciples spent some time baptizing in the countryside where John was baptizing as well. John’s disciples were concerned that Jesus was upstaging him. John explained that he had to take a backseat because he was just the groomsman, and the Bridegroom had arrived. John stated, “He must become more important while I become less important. I MUST DECREASE because all honor and glory belong to Jesus. To put it another way, I MUST DECREASE to the point that others see Jesus in me.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Gems from the Gospels Luke Chapters 5-17 #52days

Gems from the Gospels
Luke Chapters 5-17

Luke 5 & 6 – Jesus taught from Peter’s boat while the crowd stayed on the shore. After speaking, He told Peter to go deep for a catch. Peter respected Jesus and obeyed even though they had fished all night without catching a thing. They had a miraculous, net-tearing catch that filled both Peter’s boat and that of his partners, James and John, to the point of sinking! All the fishermen were astonished by the catch. Then Jesus told them that from then on, they would catch men! A promotion. LOL Peter, Andrew, James, and John immediately left their nets and their boats and followed Jesus. A man completely covered with leprosy fell at Jesus’s feet and begged, “Sir, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus TOUCHED him and said, “I am willing, be cleansed.” He was immediately healed, and Jesus sent him to the priest to make the offering commanded in the Law. Huge crowds surrounded Jesus to hear Him and to be healed, but Jesus made a habit of sneaking off for private prayer. Once the crowd in and around the house was so large that four men desperate to see their paralyzed friend healed, cut a hole in the roof and lowered the man down to Jesus. Jesus addressed the man’s greater need first by telling him that his sins were forgiven. REMEMBER THE REASON Jesus came was to show us the way to a relationship with the Father and go to the cross in order to pay for our sins. Pharisees thought this was blasphemy because only God has the authority to forgive sins. Therefore, to prove His authority to forgive sins, Jesus told the man to get up, pick up his mat, and to home. Everyone was amazed when the man walked out praising God. They all agreed they had seen extraordinary things that day. Levi (Matthew) left his tax collector’s booth to follow Jesus. He gave a banquet in Jesus’s honor and invited his friends, many of whom were tax collectors. Pharisees and Scribes demanded to know why Jesus would eat with such sinners. He explained that the doctor is for the sick and He had come to call sinners to turn to God from their sins. Pharisees and Scribes asked why Jesus’s disciples feasted instead of fasting. Jesus explained that the guests at a wedding feast while the bridegroom is with them. His disciples would fast when He was taken from them. Another time Jesus’s disciples were accused of breaking the Sabbath by picking a few heads of grain and eating them. Jesus said, “The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.” Another Sabbath, Jesus healed a man with a shriveled hand and asked, “What is permitted on the Sabbath, doing good or evil, saving life or destroying it?” The Scribes and Pharisees who saw healing as “working on the Sabbath,” were infuriated. After praying all night, Jesus called His disciples and appointed twelve of them as apostles. Jesus healing and casting out demons in great crowd. He spoke blessings and woes:

·     Blessed are poor – Kingdom of God is yours
·     Blessed are hungry – will be filled
·     Blessed are crying – will laugh
·     Blessed are persecuted – dance for joy for your reward is great
·     Woe to rich – already have their comfort
·     Woe to full – will go hungry
·     Woe to those laughing – will mourn and cry
·     Woe when spoken well of – your fathers treated false prophets like that

Jesus gave the startling instruction to love your enemies, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you. He taught what is known as the Golden Rule—do for others what you would want them to do for you. Show compassion as the Father does. REMEMBER THE REASON for doing these things is to bring glory to God and share the Good News of salvation through Jesus. Don’t judge hypocritically, forgive as you have been forgiven, give generously. Blind cannot lead the blind. You cannot help your brother with a splinter in his eye if you have a log in your own eye. Take stock of yourself before scrutinizing others. Good fruit comes from good trees, a good heart. Our hearts must be made pure by the Holy Spirit in order to produce good works. Build on the firm foundation of Jesus, acting on His words, in order to stand strong. REMEMBER THE REASON for everything we do as followers of Jesus is to share the Good News with others.

Luke 7 & 8 – In Capernaum, a Roman officer who had built the local synagogue sent Jewish elders to ask Jesus to heal his beloved servant. He stated he was not worthy to have Jesus come to his house but believed Jesus could just give the command, and the man would be healed. Jesus said, “Not even in Israel have I found such faith.” The messengers returned to find the servant in good health. REMEMBER THE TRUTH of Jesus’s power. The next day, Jesus saw a funeral procession in the town of Nain. The deceased was a widow’s only son. Out of compassion, Jesus raised him from the dead. Some people said, “God has come to help His people.”  REMEMBER THE TRUTH of His compassion and authority over death. John the Baptist sent two of his disciples to ask Jesus if he was the Messiah. Jesus told them to report what they had seen—blind see, lame walk, lepers cleansed, deaf hear, dead raise, Good News preached to poor (Isaiah 35:5-6, 26:19, 61:1). REMEMBER THE TRUTH that Jesus is Messiah. Jesus talked about John the Baptist to the crowd and affirmed him as a prophet who fulfilled Malachi 3:1 by preparing the way for the Lord. Those baptized by John were acknowledging that God was right. The Pharisees and Scribes who refused John’s baptism nullified for themselves God’s plan. John fasted, and they said he had a demon. Jesus feasted, and they accused him of being a glutton and drunkard. Jesus dined at a Pharisee’s house. A sinful woman wept and washed Jesus’s feet with her tears, drying them with her hair. She poured expensive perfume on Him as well. The Pharisee thought that as a prophet, Jesus should have known that she was a sinner. Jesus asked Simon (the Pharisee), if a man cancelled two men’s debts, which would love him more, the one with the small debt or the one with the large. Simon rightly replied the one who owed the most. Jesus pointed out that the woman had done all the things the host had failed to do. Washing a guest’s feet was an expected ritual. She had also anointed Him. Jesus forgave her sins, but the guests thought that to be presumptuous since they did not believe Him to be God. Jesus had several women disciples including Mary Magdalene and Joanna, the wife of Herod’s finance minister. The women  REMEMBER HIS TRUTH as did these women who supported Him financially. Jesus told the parable of the farmer scattering seed and then explained it privately to His disciples:

·     Path – birds ate – Adversary takes message out before they trust
·     Rock – dried up – believe initially but not deeply enough to withstand persecution
·     Thorns – choked out – worries, wealth, and life’s gratifications choke them so fruit never matures
·     Rich soil – produces 100 times what was sown – hear the message with a receptive heart, persevere and yield fruit

REMEMBER HIS TRUTH concerning the soil of our hearts. Jesus was told His mother and brothers were outside, but He declared that His mother and brothers were those who hear God’s message and act on it. REMEMBER HIS TRUTH and act on what Jesus said. The disciples discovered that even the wind and water obeyed Jesus when He calmed a storm on the Sea of Galilee. REMEMBER THE TRUTH that Jesus controls nature. Jesus cast a “legion” of demons out of a man and into a herd of pigs which then drowned themselves in the lake. The people of that region asked Jesus to leave because they were afraid. REMEMBER THE TRUTH that demons must obey Jesus. On the way to the house of Jairus, a synagogue leader whose daughter was deathly ill, a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years touched the tassels on Jesus’s robe, also known as the “wings.” She was instantly healed. Jesus said, “My daughter, your faith has saved you, go in peace.” Perhaps she was familiar with the verse in Malachi 3:20 that said the Messiah would come with “healing in His wings.” REMEMBER THE TRUTH that Jesus can heal. When Jesus got to the home of Jairus, his daughter was already dead. He assured Jairus that she only slept. He took Peter, James, John and the grieving parents into the house. Jesus took the girl by the hand and said, “Little girl, get up!” She stood up immediately. REMEMBER THE TRUTH that Jesus has power over life and death. REMEMBER HIS TRUTH—Jesus proved Himself to be the Son of God.

Luke 9 – Jesus gave the Twelve authority and power to expel demons and heal the sick and sent them out to proclaim the Kingdom of God. He told them to take no supplies. If they were not welcomed in a town, they were to shake the dust from their feet when they left. Jews would do this when leaving a Gentile city. The Twelve preached the Good News and healed people from village to village. WORSHIP HIM through obedience and proclaiming Him. Meanwhile, Herod heard news about Jesus and wondered if John the Baptist had raised from the dead or perhaps one of the prophets. Herod desired to see Jesus for himself. The Twelve returned and reported to Jesus. He took the twelve and withdrew to Bethsaida, but the crowds followed. Even though they interrupted His downtime, Jesus showed compassion and healed their sick as He taught them. Jesus told the twelve to feed this hungry mob of 5000 men plus women and children. They came up with five loaves and two fish. Jesus had them organize the crowd into groups of about fifty. He blessed the food, and the disciples were able to hand out enough to feed everyone there plus have twelve basketsful left over. Jesus asked the Twelve who people said he was. They answered John the Baptist, Elijah, or another prophet of long ago risen from the dead. Jesus then asked, “Who do you say I am?” Peter answered for the group, “The Messiah of God.” Other gospels add that Peter referred to Him as “the Son of the Living God.” Then Jesus instructed them not to disclose this to anyone. He told them he would be rejected by the Jewish religious leaders and put to death, but He would rise to life on the third day. It when whoosh over their heads. Jesus taught that one who wants to follow Him must deny himself, take up his execution stake, and follow him. Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for Jesus’s sake, will save it. If one is ashamed of Jesus, He will be ashamed of that one when He comes in glory. WORSHIP HIM by giving up your right to yourself. Jesus told them some would not experience death before seeing the Kingdom of God. One week later, Jesus took Peter, James, and John up a mountain to pray. While Jesus was praying and worshipping the Father, his face changed and his clothing became white like lightning. Moses and Elijah appeared and talked with him about His soon exodus in Jerusalem. As Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt to the promised land, Jesus was to lead God’s children (believers) to Heaven. The three disciples had been sound asleep and awoke to see the sight of Jesus glorified and speaking with Moses and Elijah. Peter wanted to build them three shelters, but that is not the worship God desired. A bright cloud enveloped them and God spoke saying tell them to listen to His Son. WORSHIP HIM by listening to and obeying His words. When they came down from the mountain, Jesus drove a demon out of a man’s son because His disciples had not been successful in their attempt to do so. “All were struck with amazement at the greatness of God.” Jesus again foretold his death. The disciples did not understand but were afraid to ask. The disciples argued about which of them was the greatest. Jesus stood a child beside Him and said that whoever welcomes a child in His name welcomes Him, and whoever welcomes Him welcomes the One who sent Him. He told them that the least among them is the one who is great. WORSHIP HIM by serving one another humbly. As the time neared for Jesus to return to the Father, He set a determined course for Jerusalem. He sent two disciples ahead to Samaria, but the people would not let Jesus stay there. James and John (the sons of thunder) wanted to call down fire from heaven to destroy them. Jesus simply rebuked them and moved on. A man told Jesus he would follow Him wherever He went, but Jesus reminded him that even animals and birds have their home, but He had no home of His own. Jesus called another man to follow Him, but the man wanted to wait until his father was dead and buried. Jesus told him to let the dead bury the dead and go out and proclaim the Kingdom of God. Another wanted to go home and say good-bye first. Jesus said, “No one who puts His hand to the plow and keeps looking back is fit to serve in the Kingdom of God. WORSHIP HIM by being determined to follow Him no matter the cost.

Luke 10 & 11 – Jesus sent out 70 disciples in pairs (accountability and encouragement) to preach in advance of His arrival. They were to take nothing with them and stay as guests in homes that welcomed them. Jesus told them to receive hospitality as their payment because “the workman is worthy of his hire.” They were to proclaim peace when welcomed and shake the dust from their feet when rejected. Jesus said it would be better on the Day of Judgement for Sodom than for any town that rejected them. Jesus pronounced woe on Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum because of their unbelief. He told his disciples, “Whoever rejects you rejects Me, and whoever rejects Me rejects the One who sent me.” There is woe for those who reject Jesus and rewards for those who ACKNOWLEDGE HIM. The 70 returned filled with joy, reporting that with Jesus’s power even demons had to submit to them. Jesus told them to be glad that their names were recorded in Heaven. Joy is not found in the exercise of the supernatural, but joy is in the gift of the relationship with the Lord, the intimacy with our Father. ACKNOWLEDGE HIM, and surrender your life to Jesus to have your name recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Jesus was filled with joy by the Holy Spirit and thanked God for revealing truth to ordinary people. Direct quote from Complete Jewish Bible, “My Father has handed over everything to me. Indeed, no one fully knows who the Son of Man is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son wishes to reveal Him.” ACKNOWLEDGE HIM when He reveals Himself to you. An expert in the Jewish Law asked Jesus what he needed to do in order to inherit eternal life. Jesus asked him what the Torah said. He correctly replied to love the Lord your God and your neighbor as yourself by quoting Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18. Then trying to trip Jesus up, he asked, “But who is my neighbor?” Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan in which Jewish religious leaders passed by a man wounded by robbers and left for dead. They let their fear of becoming ceremonially “unclean” prevent them from helping the man. Then a Samaritan, a foreigner disdained by the Jews, ministered first aid to the man and set him up in an inn until he healed. The expert in the Law had to admit that the Samaritan was a neighbor to the man, and Jesus told him to “Go and do like this Samaritan.” ACKNOWLEGE HIM by showing compassion. Jesus and His disciples were welcomed into the home of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. Martha asked Jesus to make Mary get up and help her with all the hospitality tasks. Jesus told her that He would not make Mary cease doing the only essential thing, learning from Him. ACKNOWLEDGE HIM by learning from His word to us, the Bible. His disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. He taught them what we know as the “Lord’s Prayer” or “Model Prayer.” He taught them not only what to pray but to be persistent in prayer and confident that God would give them the best answer because of His love and goodness. ACKNOWLEDGE HIM by entrusting your needs to Him in prayer. When Jesus expelled a demon from a mute man enabling him to speak, people said He did it by the power of Beelzebub (Satan). Jesus explained that a kingdom divided against itself will fail, so how could Satan survive if he drove out demons by his power. He said, “But if I drive them out by the finger of God, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.” ACKNOWLEDGE HIM by not accrediting His miracles to anyone or anything other than God. A woman shouted, “Your mother is blessed.” Jesus replied, “More blessed are those who hear and obey the word of God.” ACKNOWLEDGE HIM by listening and obeying His word. Jesus told the crowds that their wicked generation asked for a sign but the only one to be given to them was the sign of Jonah, alluding to His resurrection after three days in the tomb. He said Nineveh who repented after Jonah’s message and the Queen of the South who travelled from afar to hear the wisdom of Solomon, would condemn the unbelief of their generation. The Person before them was greater than Jonah or Solomon. ACKNOWLEDGE HIM by trusting Him and repenting from sin. A lamp should not be hidden but displayed to fill the room with light. If your eye is good (a Jewish euphemism for generous) your body will be filled with light. ACKNOWLEDGE HIM by being generous in His name. When Jesus dined with a Pharisee, he was criticized by not doing the ceremonial hand washing before eating. He retorted that the Pharisees cleaned the outside of dishes but inside were full of robbery and wickedness. ACKNOWLEDGE HIM with a pure heart. Jesus said, “Woe to you Pharisees,” because they tithed even their mint and herbs but ignored justice and the love of God (Micah 6:8). ACKNOWLEDGE HIM with your tithes and offerings but by being just and loving as well. The Scribes pointed out that by insulting the Pharisees, He insulted them as well. He pronounced woe on them as well for approving of the fact that their fathers killed the very prophets for which they built shrines. He also told them they had taken away the key of knowledge, did not go in themselves, and barred the entrance so no one else could enter into knowledge either. ACKNOWLEDGE HIM by seeking wisdom from His word and discipling others to do so as well.

Luke 12 & 13 – Jesus told the disciples to guard themselves against the leaven of the Pharisees meaning their hypocrisy. He said not to fear those who can only kill the body but fear Him who has authority to throw you into Gehinnom. He taught that the most ordinary common birds were sold cheaply, yet not one of them was forgotten by God. Every hair on your head is counted, and you are worth far more than sparrows. As the song says, “His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.” DON’T WORRY, TRUST HIM. Whoever acknowledges Jesus to others, Jesus will acknowledge in the presence of God’s angels, but whoever disowns Him, he will disown. I wonder if Peter recalled this teaching when the rooster crowed. Jesus encouraged the disciples that when they would be arrested and brought before synagogues, rulers, and authorities, the Holy Spirit would teach them what they needed to say. DON’T WORRY, TRUST HIM to speak through you. A man asked Jesus to make his brother share their inheritance. Jesus turned to the crowd and warned them to guard against any type of greed because a man’s life does not consist in what he owns. Then He told the story of a farmer who had a bumper crop, built big new barns, and planned to eat drink and be merry. That night the Lord required His life and asked who would now inherit all his stuff? Jesus made the point that we should not set up wealth without being rich toward God. DON’T WORRY, TRUST HIM rather than greedily storing up treasure on earth. In fact, Jesus taught the disciples not to worry about food or clothing because God feeds the birds and clothes the wildflowers. DON’T WORRY, TRUST HIM because you are far more valuable to God than birds and flowers. Don’t strive or be anxious about things. Pagan nations set their hearts on things. God knows what you need. Seek His Kingdom and the things you need will be provided for you (Matthew 6:33). Store riches in Heaven because where your wealth is, your heart will be. DON’T WORRY, TRUST HIM to supply your needs (Philippians 4:19). Be vigilant like those waiting for the Bridegroom to return from the wedding feast.  Be ready because the Son of Man will come when you are not expecting Him. DON’T WORRY, TRUST HIM and be prepared for His return. The crowds told Jesus about some men Pilate had slaughtered like animals in Galilee. Jesus asked if they thought those men were worse sinners than others in Galilee. He asked them about 18 people who died when a tower fell on them and whether they thought they were worse than others because of their horrible death. In both cases, Jesus warned, “If you don’t turn from you sins, you will die similarly. He told them of a fig tree that had not born fruit for three years. The owner wanted to cut it down, but the gardener proposed fertilizing it with manure and giving it a chance to bear fruit. Then if it was still barren, cut it down. DON’T WORRY, TRUST HIM, for God is patient with us. Jesus was teaching in a synagogue ono the Sabbath when a woman who had been crippled 18 years came in. Jesus healed her which made the president of the synagogue indignant. He told the people there were six days to come for healing but not on the Sabbath. Jesus told those who judged Him for healing on the Sabbath that they would untie their animals to lead them to water on the Sabbath, and this woman was a daughter of Abraham that needed to be freed from bondage on the Sabbath. Others were happy about the wonderful things taking place through Jesus. DON’T WORRY, TRUST HIM for healing and freedom. Jesus compared the Kingdom of God to a tiny mustard seed that grew until birds nested in its branches and to a small amount of yeast that causes dough to rise. DON’T WORRY—share about the Kingdom of God and TRUST HIM for the increase. Jesus told the people to enter through the narrow door before the owner of the house shuts it and you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob inside the Kingdom of God, but yourselves thrown outside. He said outsiders from all over with sit at the table in the Kingdom which was probably quite surprising to the Jews. He stated that many who are last will be first and many who are first will be last. The Pharisees told Jesus to leave because Herod wanted to kill Him. Jesus said, “Tell that fox, today and tomorrow I am driving out demons and healing the sick, and on the third day, I reach my goal.” He then said that it was unthinkable that a prophet should die anywhere but Jerusalem. Then Jesus lamented, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!” DON’T WORRY, TRUST HIM to shelter you under His wings (Psalm 91:4).

Luke 14 & 15 – One Sabbath, the Pharisees were watching Jesus closely as a man entered whose body was swollen with fluid. Jesus asked the Pharisees whether the Torah allowed healing on the Sabbath or not? They did not answer. Jesus healed the man and asked, “Which of you would not pull your ox out of a well on the Sabbath?” The Pharisees need to LET GO of traditions that were not in keeping with the intent of the Law. Jesus noticed the guests at a dinner where choosing the best seats for themselves. He taught them they should not sit in the best seat because if a more important person came in, they would be embarrassed when the host asked them to move. If they sat in the least important place, then the host might honor them by moving them to a more prominent seat. He ended by stating, “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but everyone who humbles himself will be exalted.” As for the need to be honored, LET IT GO. (James 4:10) Jesus advised the Pharisee hosting the meal not to invite friends, relatives, and rich people to a dinner because they will invite you in return as your reward. Instead invite the poor, disfigured, cripple, and blind who have nothing with which to repay you. You will be prepaid at the resurrection of the righteous. LET GO of associating only with your peers and those higher in social standing. Jesus told another story involving a banquet. All the invited guests gave lame excuses for not attending. Therefore, the host sent a servant to invite the poor, disfigured, blind, and crippled. When there was still room, he sent the servant out into the country to fill the house. He ended by saying not one of those invited would get a taste of His banquet. He was indicating that He would extend the invitation to the Gentiles and those who realized their neediness. LET GO of lame excuses and accept His invitation to salvation. Jesus made the hard statement that one cannot be His disciple unless in comparison to their love for Him, they hate father, mother, wife, brothers, children. He also made carrying his own cross a requirement for being a disciple. Everything in your life that would try to take the place of Jesus, even your own life, LET IT GO! Jesus spoke of calculating the cost before beginning a building project and preparing an army before waging a ward. We are to realize that although salvation is a free gift, there is a cost to being Jesus’s disciple. LET GO of everything to follow Jesus. Tax collectors and sinners kept coming to hear Jesus. Pharisees and Scribes kept grumbling that Jesus welcomed and ate with sinners. Jesus told them the parable of the Lost Sheep the shepherd left the rest of the sheep to find. He said there is more joy in Heaven over one sinner who repents than 99 righteous with no need to repent. He told of a woman rejoicing after finding the coin she lost. There is joy among God’s angels when one sinner repents. LET GO of prejudice and judgmental attitudes. Jesus reinforced the concept of forgiveness with the parable of the Prodigal Son. The younger son demanded his inheritance and squandered it. When he found himself desiring to eat the slop he was feeding pigs, he went home to be his father to take him on as a servant. Instead his Father gave him the best robe, a ring, and shoes. Then the father killed the fatted calf for a celebration. LET GO of the shame and return to the Father’s loving, forgiving arms. When the older son protested, the father told him, “My son was dead but now he is alive!” LET GO of jealousy. If you think you have a right to yourself, LET IT GO and trust Jesus’s plan for your life.

Luke 16 & 17 – Jesus taught His disciples with a parable. A man’s steward (general manager) was charged with squandering resources so the man demanded a full accounting and fired him. The GM worried what would become of him with no job, so he called in his boss’s debtors and forgave portions of their debts to ingratiate them toward him. His boss applauded his shrewdness. This unrighteous man knew how to deal with his own kind, and his unrighteous boss applauded him. The conclusion is that most unbelievers are wiser in the ways of the world than Christians are wise to the ways of the Lord. VALUE HOLINESS and seek to be wise in God’s ways. We need to be wise in using earthly money to help others. If our generosity is used by God to draw them to Him, we will be rich in friends to greet us when we go to our eternal home where money is useless. Jesus taught that if one is trustworthy in small matters, he will be trustworthy in larger matters. The Complete Jewish Bible renders verse 11 as, “If you haven’t been trustworthy with worldly wealth, who is going to trust you with the real thing?” and The Voice as, “If you can’t even handle a small thing like money, who’s going to entrust you with spiritual riches that really matter?” Jesus emphasized that you can’t be a slave to both God and money. VALUE HOLINESS over wealthiness. The Pharisees ridiculed Jesus because they loved money. Jesus told them they tried to look righteous on the outside, but God knew their hearts. They could not hide their true values from Him. VALUE HOLINESS to your core, in your heart because to value holiness is to value the One who is holy. Jesus told them about the rich man and Lazarus, the beggar covered in sores who laid outside his gate. Lazarus died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s bosom (Heaven). The Rich man died and found himself in Sheol. He saw Abraham and Lazarus afar off and still thinking of Lazarus as a servant, asked Abraham to send him to dip his finger in water to cool the rich man’s tongue because he was in flames. Abraham pointed out there was a great chasm between the two places that no one could cross. Then the rich man asked Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his brothers to change their ways thinking they would listen to someone who was raised from the dead. Abraham said that if they would not listen to Moses and the prophets, they would not be convinced even if someone rose from the dead. VALUE HOLINESS before you miss the opportunity to do so. Jesus told His disciples it is better to be tied to a weight and thrown in the sea than to ensnare believers. If your brother sins, rebuke him, but if he repents, forgive him seven times. The Apostles asked Jesus to increase their faith. He told them with faith as small as a mustard seed they could command a tree to uproot and replant in the sea. He explained that a slave is not thanked for doing only what is his duty, so when you obey say, “We’re ordinary slaves who have only done our duty.” HOLINESS is your duty. On His way to Jerusalem at the border with Samaria, Jesus healed ten lepers. They did not see the evidence of their healing until they were on the way to show themselves to the priests. Only one returned, shouting praises and fell at Jesus’s feet to thank him. Jesus asked, “Where are the other nine?” The only one to return was a Samaritan. Jesus told him, “Get up. You may go, your trust has saved you.” Not every person Jesus healed was saved, only those who had faith. When the Son of Man returns, it will be like lightning that flashes and lights up the sky from one horizon to the other. As in the days of Noah and later with Sodom, people will be going about business as usual when suddenly judgment will come. When the Son of Man is revealed, don’t go back to get belongings—remember Lot’s wife. One will be taken and one left behind. VALUE HOLINESS because you do not know when Jesus will return. 

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Susan had a rough day with pain today. We hope to have the Gems from the Gospel up by tomorrow night. 

Saturday, February 10, 2018



Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Gems from the Gospels: Mark 9 – Luke 4

Gems from the Gospels
Mark 9 – Luke 4

Mark 9 & 10 – Jesus took Peter, James, and John up on a mountain where His appearance changed before their eyes. The glory of God shone through Him and His clothes were white as lightening. He spoke with Elijah and Moses, and Peter wanted to BE A SERVANT by building three shelters for them to stay awhile, but he was not on the same wavelength as the Lord. At that moment, a bright cloud enveloped them, and God said, “This is my Son, whom I love, Listen to Him!” Only Jesus was there when they had their wits about them again, and He told them to tell no one until He rose from the dead. Jesus was going to SERVE us by dying in our place. Jesus explained that John the Baptist had come in the spirit of Elijah as foretold by the prophets. A man had brought his demon possessed son to the disciples, but they could not help him. Jesus SERVED the man and his son by freeing the boy of the demon. The disciples quarreled about which of them was the most important. Jesus explained that in His Kingdom, the first would be last and the last first. He told them that to be a leader meant to BE A SERVANT of all. He taught that following Him required child-like faith. Children trust freely and completely, jumping into their daddies’ arms with no reservations. Jesus told the rich young man to not only follow the commandments but to sell all his possessions, give to the poor, and follow Him. The man went away sad. We are to SERVE Him by serving the poor. When Peter pointed out the disciples had left everything, Jesus assured them of eternal rewards as well as peace in this life. Jesus continued to tell the disciples about His upcoming death, burial, and resurrection, but it seemed to go “whoosh” over their heads. James and John wanted to sit at Jesus’s right and left in His Kingdom, but that was only the Father’s to grant. He told all the disciples that he who wants to be first must be the SERVANT of all because He, Himself, came not to be served, but to serve. This passage ended with Jesus SERVING Bartimaeus by healing his blindness completely. Jesus constantly served others. BE A SERVANT!

Mark 11 & 12 – Jesus sent two disciples to borrow a donkey colt for Him to ride into Jerusalem. The owners willingly OFFERED it as soon as they were told Jesus needed it. The disciples GAVE their coats to use as a blanket on its back, and the people OFFERED clothing and branches to smooth out the path for Jesus to ride on. The crowds OFFERED shouts of praise and recognition that Jesus was the Messiah. Jesus cursed a barren fig tree, and by the next day it shriveled up completely! He told His disciples they, too, would receive what they asked when they prayed without doubting. Jesus cleared the merchants and money changers out of the temple, reminding everyone that the temple was supposed to be a house of prayer, a place for people to OFFER prayer, praise, and sacrifice to God. The chief priests and scribes asked Jesus who gave Him the authority to teach in this way. He said He would answer them if they would answer the question of where John the Baptist received authority to baptize. They could not answer, so He did not answer them. Jesus told a parable of a man whose tenants would not give him the share of grapes agreed upon from his vineyard. They killed some of his servants and eventual killed his own son. The Pharisees recognized themselves as the tenants, the prophets as the servants, and maybe even Jesus as the Son, and were greatly offended. They kept trying to trick Him. They asked about paying taxes. Jesus answered the famous, “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s.” Sadducees asked him a question concerning levirate marriage and whose wife a woman would be in heaven if she married seven brothers but never had a child. Jesus explained that there is no marriage in Heaven. When asked what was the greatest commandment, Jesus quoted Deuteronomy 6:4-5 that it is to love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and said that the second greatest was to love your neighbor as yourself (Leviticus 19:18). This passage ended with Jesus watching the people bringing their offerings. Many people gave large amounts, but He praised a widow who gave a tiny amount that represented all she had. Jesus set aside the glory He deserved in Heaven, to be born as a baby on earth. He gave His all by dying on the cross for us. It should be a pleasure to GIVE YOUR OFFERING!

Mark 13 & 14 - Jesus prophesied that the temple would be completely destroyed, and the disciples asked Him what sign would there be that this was about to happen. Jesus warned them not to be fooled by false Messiahs. He said that wars, earthquakes, and famines were only the beginning of birth pains of the millennial reign. Jesus prepared them for the fact that they would be persecuted and on trial before sanhedrins, governors, and kings. He told them not to worry about what to say when this happened because the Holy Spirit would give them the words they needed. Everyone would hate followers of Jesus but they would be enabled to STAND TOUGH, to persevere. He told them of the great tribulation. There would be false messiahs and prophets performing signs and wonders, trying to lead people astray. The sun and moon would no longer provide light, the stars would fall, and the heavens be shaken (Isaiah 13:10, 34:4). There will be no mistaking the second coming of the Messiah because He will come on the clouds in great power and glory to gather the chosen. He told the disciples to stay alert because no one knows the day or hour of His coming. He was dining in the home of Simon, a man who had been cured of leprosy, when a woman came in and anointed Jesus by pouring pure oil of nard on His head. Some were giving her a rough time, saying she could have sold it for a year’s wages and given to the poor. But Jesus praised her for anointing Him for burial ahead of time, and declared that her act of kindness would be remembered everywhere the Gospel was preached. Judas Iscariot went to chief priests and volunteered to betray Jesus for money. Jesus sent two disciples to prepare the Seder, the Passover meal. That evening Jesus and the twelve were reclining at the table when He announced that one of the would betray Him and that it would be the one dipping bread in the dish with Him. That was Judas, but no one seemed to catch on to that fact. Jesus instituted what we call communion or Lord’s Supper when He said the unleavened bread, the matzah, represented His body, and wine represented His blood of the New Covenant, shed on behalf of many people. Then they sang a hymn and went to the mount of Olives, a place they went to pray. Jesus warned that they would soon scatter and deny him. Peter said he would never lose faith, but Jesus told him that he would deny Him 3 times before the rooster crowed twice. They went to Gethsemane. Jesus took Peter, James, and John a little farther into the garden. Telling them He was so sad He could die, Jesus instructed them to watch and stay awake. Three times Jesus fell to the ground and prayed, “Lord, take this cup from Me. Not my will, but your will be done.” In between times he found the three disciples sleeping. Jesus told them, “The Spirit is eager, but human nature is weak” (CJB).  Judas brought a crowd carrying swords and clubs. He betrayed Jesus by greeting Him with a kiss on the cheek. As Jesus was arrested, the disciples scattered as he had foretold. Peter followed at a distance and finally sat down by the fire outside the Chief Priest’s house. The Sanhedrin couldn’t find real evidence to put Jesus to death. They called on people to give false testimony but their stories didn’t jive. Finally, Caiaphas asked Jesus point blank if he was the “Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?” Jesus replied, “I AM,” using the name God gave when Moses asked whom he should say had sent him. The High Priest tore his clothes and cried, “Blasphemy!” The Sanhedrin declared Jesus guilty and subject to the death penalty. They proceeded to beat and mock him. Meanwhile, back in the courtyard by the fire. People accused Peter three times of being one of Jesus’s disciples. Three times he denied it even pronouncing a curse on himself the third time. At the moment, the rooster crowed, and Peter threw himself down and sobbed. Peter immediately felt shame when He did not stand for Jesus. We have something Peter did not have yet at that time, the indwelling Holy Spirit. Internalize and apply Ephesians 6:10-18 and STAND TOUGH!

Mark 15 & 16 – The Chief Priests, scribes, and elders handed Jesus over to Pilate in chains because under Roman rule, they did not have the authority to execute a prisoner themselves. Otherwise, Jesus would have probably been stoned to death rather than dying on the cross as prophesied. Jesus was silent and did not respond to their charges. Pilate had a custom of releasing one prisoner during the Passover festivities. He gave them a choice between a murderer and insurrection leader named Barabbas and Jesus Christ. The priests urged the crowd to demand Barabbas. Pilate asked, “What should I do with Jesus?” The crowd shouted, “Crucify him!” He had Jesus flogged and sent Him to be crucified. Pilate CONSIDERED the fact that Jesus was innocent yet took the easy way out and appeased the Jews. The Roman soldiers dressed Jesus in a purple robe and smashed a crown made of thorns on His head. They spat on Him, hit Him, and knelt in mock worship. Then they led Him to be crucified. They forced Simon of Cyrene to carry the cross beam to Golgotha (place of the skull). They offered Jesus wine spiced with myrrh to dull the pain which He refused. Then they nailed Him to the cross at about 9:00 a.m. The soldiers gambled for His clothing as people were crucified naked. Two robbers were crucified beside Jesus. Passers by and even the head priests and scribes mocked and taunted Him. From noon until 3:00 p.m. there was darkness. At 3:00 p.m., Jesus cried out “My God! My God! Why have You deserted me?” (Psalm 22:1-2). Soon after that Jesus cried out and gave up His spirit. At that moment the veil in the temple was torn apart from top to bottom. One of the Roman officers declared, “This man really was a son of God!” This man CONSIDERED the facts before his eyes, but we do not know if he chose to believe because of it. Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of the younger James, and other women followers were there. Joseph of Arimathea, a Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin begged Pilate for Jesus’s body.  He wrapped Jesus in linen and laid Him in his own new tomb. Mary Magdalene and the other women saw where he laid Him. At dawn on Sunday, Mary Magdalene and Mary mother of James took spices to anoint Jesus’s body. When they arrived, the massive stone had already been rolled away. An angel explained that Jesus had risen and was not there. He instructed them to tell the disciples, especially Peter, that Jesus would be waiting for them in Galilee. On their way to do so, Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene. When she told the disciples that Jesus was alive, they wouldn’t believe it. They did not CONSIDER the times Jesus had told them He would rise from the dead. Jesus appeared to two other followers as they were walking in the country. They also told the disciples but were not believed because the disciples were still not CONSIDERING and remembering that Jesus had foretold His death, burial AND resurrection. When Jesus appeared to the Eleven, He reproached them for not believing Mary Magdalene and the other two followers. He instructed them to proclaim the Good News throughout the world. The Eleven continued preaching and were enabled to perform miracles. CONSIDER HIM and base your actions on all He has done for you.

Luke 1 – The angel Gabriel appears to a priest named Zechariah, a righteous man whose wife Elizabeth was barren, as he burned incense in the temple. He told Zechariah that his wife, now beyond the age of childbearing, would bear a son, he was to name him John, and he would be great in God’s sight, filled with the Holy Spirit even in his mother’s womb. Zechariah as SURPRISED and questioned the veracity of the angel’s prophecy. Gabriel told him because he did not believe him, Zechariah would be unable to speak until it was fulfilled. Soon after Zechariah went home, Elizabeth was pregnant. We are not told whether or not Elizabeth was surprised, but she immediately gave praise to God for lifting her disgrace of barrenness. Meanwhile, Gabriel moved on to Nazareth and told Mary, a virgin espoused to Joseph, that she would have a son and name Him Jesus. Mary asked how this would happen since she was a virgin. Gabriel told her the Holy Spirit would come upon her, and her baby would be called the Son of God. He told about Elizabeth’s late life pregnancy as well. Mary was SURPRISED by the angel’s prophecy but responded in humility and submissive faith, “I am the servant of the Lord, may it be done according to your word.” Mary traveled to Zechariah’s house to visit her relative, Elizabeth. As Mary greeted her, Elizabeth’s baby jumped for joy in her womb. Elizabeth demonstrated her faith by blessing Mary and addressing her as “the mother of my Lord.” The Holy Spirit had revealed to Elizabeth that Mary was pregnant with the Messiah, and Elizabeth believed. Mary burst forth with what is known as the Magnificat. She spoke of the elevation of the humble, care for the poor, and fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham, quoting 1 Samuel 1:11, 2:1, Psalm 103:17, and Psalm 111;19. Mary went home after three months. When Elizabeth and Zechariah held the circumcision and naming ceremony for their 8- day-old baby, she told everyone his name was John. Their friends protested that there was no one in their family named John. The people were SURPRISED by this choice of name and asked Zechariah to confirm his wife’s choice. Zechariah wrote “His name is John.” Immediately, his ability to speak returned and he uttered a praise song and prophecy. He spoke of the Messiah in terms of already being on the scene (he, too, knew that Mary’s baby was the One), and he prophesied concerning his own son, John, preparing the way for the Messiah. John grew strong in body and spirit and lived in the desert until his ministry began. DON’T BE SURPRISED when the Lord moved in mysterious ways in your own life. Respond in faith and obedience.

Luke 2 – Because Caesar Augustus decreed a census to be taken, Mary and Joseph had to make an arduous journey to his family home in Bethlehem even those Mary was close to her delivery day. There was no room in the inn, so Jesus was born in a stable, wrapped in strips of cloth, and laid in a feeding troth with fresh hay as His bed. Susan noted that his was the perfect birthplace for the Passover Lamb, and we saw a video online explaining that the shepherds did take the ewes into nearby caves to give birth. Speaking of shepherds . . . there were shepherds nearby staying with their sheep out on the fields. Suddenly the shekinah glory of the Lord shone around them and they were filled with terror. An angel told them not to be afraid because he came to give them good news. The Savior was born in the city of David (Bethlehem) and they would recognize Him by the fact that he was lying in a manger wrapped in strips of cloth. Then there was a huge army of angels praising God. God had granted simple shepherds His FAVOR in making them among the first to hear the Good News. After the angels went back into Heaven, the shepherds WISELY rushed off to Bethlehem to see this newborn Messiah. They found Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus just as the angel had described them. They went about spreading the Good News to the amazement of their listeners and glorified God as they went back to their sheep. Mary mulled all these events over in her heart. She may have been remembering the greeting from Gabriel, “Hail, thou that are highly FAVORED . . .” When Jesus was eight days old, He was circumcised and officially named according to what the angel had instructed Mary and Joseph. Mary and Joseph took the baby with them to the temple to offer the sacrifices for Mary’s purification and to redeem Jesus as the firstborn son. There was an elderly man named Simeon to whom God had promised he would see the Messiah before he died. Prompted by the Holy Spirit, Simeon WISELY obeyed and went into the temple courts and saw Jesus and His parents. He took the baby in his arms and praised God for giving him the peace to die, recognizing that he was FAVORED to see the “consolation of Israel.” He spoke prophecy over Jesus and warned Mary that a sword would pierce her own heart. Then entered Anna, a prophetess also well on in years. She praised God when she recognized Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah and went about spreading the Good News. Mary, Joseph, and Jesus returned to Nazareth, When Jesus was twelve, His parents took Him to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. On the caravan home, they realized Jesus was not with them. After searching for Him, they returned to Jerusalem to find Him sitting among the teachers in the Temple, listening and asking questions. Mary told Him they had been worried, to which He replied that they should have known he would be concerning Himself with His Father’s affairs. Mary and Joseph did not understand. Jesus went home with them and was obedient to His parents. Mary continued to store up all these things in her heart. Jesus grew in WISDOM and stature, gaining FAVOR with other people and with God. In James 1:5, we are told to ask God for WISDOM. We are to seek God, to desire His WISDOM AND FAVOR.

Luke 3 & 4 – Luke sets the timeframe by telling that it was the 15th year of Emperor Tiberius’ reign, Pontius Pilate was governor, and Herod the Tetrarch was ruler of Galilee. He set the religious tone of the time by pointing out that Annas and Caiaphas were the High Priests. This was God’s appointed time for John the Baptist to begin his ministry. He baptized people as a sign that they were turning away from sin and to God. GOD WAS WORKING through John the Baptist to prepare way for the Lord as prophesied in Isaiah 40:3-5. He called the religious leaders vipers. He told the crowds to produce fruit that proved they had turned from their sin and warned that every tree that does not produce fruit would be thrown into the fire. The people asked, “What shall we do?” GOD WAS WORKING in the people, giving them the desire to turn to Him. John told them to share with those in need. He told tax collectors to collect only what the government assessed and soldiers to cease intimidation and false accusations and be content with their pay. They were asking if John could be the Messiah, but he set them straight by say there was One greater than him to come who would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Fire purifies, and only God can bring purification. Jesus was baptized by John as an example to others. As Jesus came up from the water and prayed, the Holy Spirit came upon Him in the form of a dove and God spoke from Heaven saying, “You are my Son, whom I love, I am well pleased with you.” Jesus was thirty years old when He began His ministry. Next Luke listed the Genealogy of Jesus proving Him to be a descendant of David and tracing it all the way back to Adam, the first man. God, in His mercy, sent the God-Man, Jesus, to atone for the sin that began with the first man, Adam. GOD WAS WORKING throughout history until “in the fullness of time” (Galatians 4:4) He sent Jesus to earth. The Holy Spirit let Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. He fasted for 40 days and nights. Each time Satan tempted Him, Jesus answered with scripture from Deuteronomy. GOD WAS AND IS WORKING through His word to help His children combat temptation. The temptations and Jesus’s replies:

1.        Turn stone to bread – “Man does not live by bread alone.” (Deut. 8:3)
2.        Worship Satan to gain power and riches of the entire world – “Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.” (Deut. 6:13-14)
3.        Cast yourself down and let the angels catch you – “Do not put the Lord your God to the Test.” (Deut. 6:16)

Jesus went back to Galilee and was a respected teacher in their synagogues. He spoke in Nazareth where He grew up and read Isaiah 61:1-2 and Isaiah 58:6 as the reading from the Prophets one Sabbath in the synagogue. This was an honor for a special guest. Jesus sat down to teach and announced that this prophecy had been fulfilled while they were listening. The congregation wondered at the fact that this was Joseph the carpenter’s son. Jesus told them they would say, “Doctor cure yourself” and demand that He do miracles. He said that no prophet is accepted in his home town. He recounted two instances where the prophets Elijah and Elisha were sent to Gentiles rather than the Jews. The people did not like the implication that He would minister to Gentiles instead of them and tried to throw Jesus off a cliff. However, He miraculously walked right through them unscathed. GOD WAS WORKING to protect Jesus until the time He had ordained for Him to die. Jesus went on to teach with authority in Capernaum. He cast a demon out of a man in the synagogue and the people were amazed that He could command demons, and they obeyed Him. When Jesus returned from the synagogue, He found Peter’s mother-in-love sick with a high fever. He stood over her and commanded the fever to leave her. She was instantly completely well, and able to serve Him as her guest. After sunset, the end of the Sabbath, people brought many sick and demon possessed people to be healed by Jesus. GOD WAS WORKING by demonstrating His authority that people might have trust in Jesus.  He always hushed the demons to prevent them from revealing His full identity. Jesus went out to a lonely place to spend time alone with the Father, but the crowd found Him and begged Him to stay in Capernaum. Jesus told them he must announce the Good News of the Kingdom in other towns. GOD IS STILL WORKING today. Be alert and watch for the ways GOD IS WORKING in and through you. Surrender yourself to be an instrument in His hands.