Saturday, February 24, 2018

Gems from the Gospels John 4 #52days

Gems from the Gospels
John 4

John 4 – Jesus left Judea headed back Galilee and needed to go through Samaria on God’s business—there was a longer route that most Jews took. But Jesus had a divine appointment with a certain woman who was drawing water at noon in the town of Sychar. She was probably avoiding a gaggle of gossips by going at the worst time of day. Jesus asked her for a drink but told her if she knew who he was, she would ask Him for living water. She scoffed, “You don’t even have a bucket to draw the water!” Jesus told her she would never thirst again, and she wanted that kind of water. When He told her to go get her husband, she answered truthfully that she did not have one. Jesus commended her honesty and told her she had five husbands in the past and was living with a man who was not her husband. When she tried to sidetrack Him with a question about where to worship, He explained that true worship is not a place but requires true spiritual involvement rather than mere acts and routines. She expressed belief that the Messiah would make everything clear. Jesus said, “I, the person you are speaking to, am He.” This was a clear claim to deity, equality with God. As the disciples returned from food shopping, the woman left her water jug and ran into town saying, “Come meet a man who told me everything I ever did.” Jesus told his disciples, “My food is to do what God wants.” Many people from the town trusted Jesus because of the woman’s testimony and asked Him to stay with them. After two days, they proclaimed, “We know this man is the Savior of the world.”  Jesus offered the woman and the townspeople A DRINK OF LIVING WATER. When He got back to Cana in Galilee, an officer in the royal service asked Jesus to heal his son who was near death. When the man arrived home, he found his son had been healed at the exact time Jesus had spoken the words. He and his household trusted. Jesus GAVE A DRINK when He healed the man’s son. GIVE A DRINK of living water to those in your path.

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